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Introducing Nicola Dashper - new ATT Chief Executive

Nicola Dashper joins ATT as our new CE, directly from Skills. Nicola has spent the last ten years working at Skills Consulting Group (formerly ETITO) in a variety of roles from HR Manager, when she started in 2010 to more recently as GM Corporate Services and Head of Foundation and Member Support.

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Nicola said "This variety of experience has given me a pretty good understanding of our industry and its nuances. I’m excited to be joining ATT during its 30-year anniversary and our biggest challenge will be navigating us through the transition into the new post ROVE environment. What that will look like isn’t exactly crystal-clear right now, but I will keep you posted as things continue to develop.

"Outside of work I like to go to the gym, do a bit of yoga and spending family time with my 2 boys and my husband. My husband and I have renovated a few houses so have had some first-hand experience with a few the trades ATT deal with."